Regularly Scheduled Sunday Worship Services
Morning Worship
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist (no music)
9:00 AM Children's service (details below)
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist with Music, Church School, Nursery, and Coffee Hour.
The bell choir plays once each month at the 10 AM service
(See below for more information.)
Evening Worship
Last Sunday of the month: Taizé style worship (chanting in candle-lit quiet) 7 PM
Regularly Scheduled Weekday Worship Service
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
7:00 PM Evening Prayer (before Bible Study)
8:00 AM Contemplative Prayer (30 minutes of individual prayer time)
7:00 AM Holy Eucharist (no music)
8:00 AM Morning Prayer
Note: 7:30 - 8:30 Bible study at the diner (thus no worship in the church)
4:00 PM Pray & Play
Sunday Worship Service (details):
8:00 AM Holy Eucharist (no music)
9:00 AM Holy Eucharist for Families with Young Children
An invitation to all families with very young children: Join us at 9 AM on Sundays for an informal time of worship, lasting just 30 minutes.
The children will be encouraged to participate in the story, sing simple songs, learn to pray and share the bread and wine (grape juice.)
We will gather in the lower parish hall, as the signs indicate.
9:00 AM Adult Forum, except during the summer months, there is an adult forum series in the “comfy” area of the parish hall. All are welcome. There are bagels and coffee served in the parish hall. The forum and breakfast is available during the program year (September to May).
10:00 AM Holy Eucharist (with music): Our Sunday morning worship at 10 AM includes full choir, sermon and Holy Eucharist (also called Holy Communion or Mass.) We are inclusive and all are welcome to worship and all who come to worship are invited to receive the sacrament. The children attend Sunday school during the adult worship time and return to be with their families so that they can receive Holy Communion together. There is nursery care for babies and toddlers in our delightful nursery. We have trained staff who care for the tiny ones. Our youth meet together after worship to meet and plan their own activities. Following worship there is a coffee hour to which all are invited. The adults can meet together; visitors can meet the members, young children can play (there is a play area in the same room) and a ping pong table available for older children in the lower parish hall.
7:00 PM Taizé (usually last Sunday of each month)
This service of quiet prayer chants and reflection is held the last Sunday of each month. In a relaxed, candle-lit gathering we sing simple repetitive chants and have a period of silence and reflection.
Although no evening midweek Eucharist is scheduled please contact the rector if this is something in which you wish to participate. It can be added to the weekly schedule.
Baptisms, weddings (and blessings) and Confirmation classes are arranged by consulting the rector.
Adults who have been Confirmed in another tradition/denomination are invited to be Received into the Episcopal Church. Consult the rector.
There is an Inquirer’s class for anyone who is interested in finding out more about Christianity, about the Episcopal Church, about the Church of the Messiah. Consult the rector.