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Welcome to Messiah!

The Church of the Messiah is the Episcopal Church serving Chester, Chester Township, Long Valley and surrounding areas. This church is a part of the Anglican Communion, the Episcopal Church USA, and is a parish in the Diocese of Newark. The congregation seeks to offer a faithful, open and welcoming environment where spiritual enrichment and a deep relationship with God our Creator, Jesus Christ our Savior and the Holy Spirit is ever present.  All are welcome to join us for services, classes, and community events.

New to Messiah?  We’re glad you’re here!  Learn more about us on our site.

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What's Happening at Messiah



"St. Elsie's Closet" Our Thrift Shop is open on Thursdays:1 PM - 5 PM, Fridays10 AM - 2 PM & Saturdays: 10 AM - 2 PM

Fridays are "Buy one and get one free"

Come and be amazed at our shop.

Vacation Bible School

August 13 - 17 from 9 AM - 12 noon for kids aged 3 - 8.  Older kids are invited to register as helpers.   You can email or mail the registration form

VBS registration form 2012

Solar Panels - free installation.  You can still register your home to see if your roof qualifies.   Click this link.

        Flyer2 Solar Screening Event

Thank you to everyone who supported our Senior Resource Center's recent "Wine & Dine" fund raiser.

Photos; go to "News and events" for photo links for many recent events.






Worship Schedule


The Rev. Margaret Otterburn, Rector

Sunday Worship

8:00 AM Holy Eucharist

9:00 AM "Pray & Play"  *

A 30 minute participatory service, especially for children under 6 together with their families.

Park and enter at the lower level.

9:00 - 9:45 AM Adult Forum (program year)

10:00 AM Holy Eucharist
Includes Sunday School,
& child care

Coffee hour follows all morning worship services

7:00 PM Taizé 

May 27 especially for Pentecost

* We also have "Pray & Play" on Thursdays at 4:00 PM with play time until 5:00 PM




Info Links


Millennium Development Goals

The Diocese of Newark

Episcopal Church Homepage

SRC Senior Resource Center 


GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!



nessa art & design studio