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How We Worship

We offer three opportunities to worship each Sunday. Everyone who comes to worship here is welcome and is invited to receive the Eucharist. We are an inclusive church welcoming all to share worship and the love of Christ as he taught us. 

           At 8 am there is a service which includes a full sermon and Holy Eucharist. 

           All who come to worship are welcome and are invited to receive Holy Communion. 

           Coffee is available after the 8am service as well as the 10, every week of the year.

At 9 am there is a half hour participatory service for family's with toddlers and pre-school children, but all children are welcome to attend.  It is held on the lower level and includes singing, simple prayers and a craft with space to relax and move around in.

Between the 8 am and 10 am services there is an adult forum series in the “comfy” area of the parish hall.  All are welcome.  Bagels and coffee are served.  The forum and refreshments are available during the program year, which runs from September to May.  

Our Sunday morning worship at 10 am includes full choir, sermon and Holy Eucharist (also called Holy Communion or Mass).  The children attend Sunday School during the adult worship time and return to be with their families to receive Holy Communion together.  Following worship there is a coffee hour to which all are invited.  This is an opportunity for the adults to socialize and to meet our visitors.  The young children can play in the small area set aside just for them, and the older children can enjoy ping pong downstairs.


Baptisms, weddings and blessings, as well as Confirmation classes, are arranged by consulting the rector.

We also offer an Inquiry class for anyone who is interested in finding out more about Christianity, the Episcopal Church, and/or the Church of the Messiah.  If you are interested, please consult the rector.  We are happy to make arrangements!

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