About Messiah
Worship & Music
Calendar & News
Messiah Kids
Parish Life
Thrift Shop
Contact Us

We worship together...

...we help those in need together

...and we have fun together.

We offer many opportunities for ministry.

Acolytes, crucifers and officiant - Youth and adults share this ministry. One crucifer, one acolyte, and one officiant serve each Sunday.

Altar Guild - A member is responsible for the care of the altar each week.

Bell Choir - meets Thursdays 7:30 p.m. (September-May) and plays monthly at the 10 a.m. service. The bell choir is on sabbatical for the 2019/2020 season. New members see Cindy Campbell to join for the 2020/2021 season.

Choir - The vocal choir sings on Sundays. Practices are before and after the 10 AM service,  and occasionally other times as needed. New members see Cindy Campbell, music director.

Coffee Hour Hosts - To provide the Sunday reception we offer each Sunday.

Eucharistic Ministers - To offer the consecrated wine or grape juice during the worship.

Eucharistic Visitors - To take Holy Communion to those who are unable to come to church.

Garden Team - To work as needed.

Greeters - To welcome visitors and offer hospitality as appropriate.

Snow Team - Shovel and salt as needed.

Sunday School Teachers - They meet quarterly to plan and discuss. Because they are in teams of four, they only need to teach once a month.

Thrift Shop - Volunteers staff the Thrift Shop each Thursday and Saturday.

Ushers - To welcome people for worship and provide books and bulletins as appropriate.

Please see our "Outreach" Page to learn about the many ways Messiah seves the community and to learn how you can join us in any of these vital outreach programs.

We are very concerned that the pastoral needs of everyone are met whatever the circumstances. The rector will visit you at home, in rehab, in the hospital.
She is supported by the Eucharistic visitors who will bring you Holy Communion if you are unable to come to church.

If you experience the death of a loved one please contact the rector anytime 908- 349-9480 or email at motterburn@messiahchester.org

We are offering Lay Pastoral care training as a series. Contact the rector if you are interested in this training.

Sunday Adult Forums
Offered every Sunday between the 8am and 10am services, from September through May. They offer presentations followed by discussion time on a variety of topics.

Tuesday Lunch and Book Group
Every Tuesday from Noon-1 p.m. in the lower level of the church. Lunch is BYO; coffee, tea and water are available. See the News & Events page for the current book title.

Book and Movie nights
Held one Tuesday a month starting at 6:30 p.m.. We have a bring-your-own supper, during which we discuss the designated book. The movie follows around 7:30 p.m., with free popcorn. See the News and Events page for the current book, and call the office for the movie title.

The Lent Program
Held weekly during Lent and comprises a simple supper, worship using "Stations of the Cross" and a discussion program.

Vacation Bible Camp
VBC is offered each summer for kids aged 3-9, and older kids are invited to be helpers. Talk to Margaret if you would like to attend or be a part of the team.

Education for Ministry
Education for Ministry begins in September, Wednesdays first group at 2-4pm and the second group at 7 -9 p.m. This college level class invites the participants to study the Bible in depth and to think reflectively and theologically. For more information speak to Margaret Anyone can enroll in the program and you do not need to be  a church member to belong.  The first year includes an in-depth study of the Old Testament.  A new class begins in January; please talk to Margaret for more information

 Pastoral Care Training
This training was offered last year and will be available again as requested. Training is available for anyone wishing to offer pastoral care to those in any need. Lay pastoral training gives a person skills and tools to be a good listener and support for people dealing with any of the problems which are encountered in daily life. Lay pastors support the clergy; they do not replace them.

The Inquirer’s Class
Meets in the fall and spring. This is a series of six sessions which are designed for instruction and discussion with the participants on any and all matters relating to Christianity, to the Episcopal church, to the Anglican Communion and to our own church. Contact the rector for details at motterburn@messiahchester.org